Industry Youth!
Workshop and Pitching Forum
ZFF Industry programs are usually focused on more mature film professionals. However, we also launched a separate program of student grants called Industry Youth!. In collaboration with film academies from the region, the program offers seven-day festival attendance grants to two students from each of the academies. In the collaboration between the Industry Program of Zagreb Film Festival and six academies from the region – from Sarajevo, Ljubljana, Belgrade, Cetinje, Skopje, and Zagreb – 12 students and their 6 projects have been selected to participate in the Program and develop their short fiction films in intensive preparatory workshops.
Participants and projects
Academy of Dramatic Art in Zagreb (ADU)
Petar Vukičević, Marta Bregeš (9 mjeseci / 9 Months)
Akademija za gledališče, radio, film in televizijo Ljubljana (AGRFT)
Peter Bizjak, Kaja Horvat (Slovenske bajke / Slovenian Fairy Tales)
Akademija scenskih umjetnosti Sarajevo (ASU)
Ismira Mašić, Adna Rizvan (Mrtvi čvor / Dead Knot)
Fakultet dramskih umetnosti Beograd (FDU Beograd)
Milica Spasojević, Lena Radulović (Namrgođenost / Grumpiness)
Fakultet dramskih umjetnosti Cetinje (FDU Cetinje)
Tamara Pavićević, Katarina Kastratović (Žuti val / Yellow Wave)
Fakultet dramskih umetnosti Skoplje (FDU Skoplje)
Kristijan Kostadinovski, Marija Grcheva (Slikar / The Painter)
You will find more about the projects at Industry Youth Pitching Forum