My First Script Workshop Participants Selected
17. October
My First Script is a workshop intended for active individual work on their creative script project, mentored by two renowned script doctors. Based on the entries arriving literally from all over the world, our committee selected six script projects by filmmakers, authors or co-authors of short, documentary or animated films currently working on their first script for a feature film.
Participants and projects selected for this year’s My First Script workshop:
Andrija Mardešić (Croatia): Uncle
Filip Peruzović (Croatia): Splinters
Andrey I. Volkashin (Macedonia): Summer of Sylvia
Irfan Avdić (Bosnia and Herzegovina): 11 days of Dying
Ivan Bakrač (Montenegro): After Winter
Tamta Gabrichidze (Georgia): Maya
Two projects that have developed at previous MFS workshops have been granted funds at the open call of the Croatian Audiovisual Centre: Sonja Tarokić’s Staff Room for audiovisual production stimulation and Ognjen Glavonić’s The Load – for stimulation of film co-productions with a minority Croatian stake.
Congratulations everyone, we are looking forward to working with you!